Tag: Dog Leader Mysteries blog

Dog Leader Mysteries blog is back

Dog Leader Mysteries blog is back

Dear Readers, My apologies to you if you have clicked on our Dog. Leader Mysteries site, only to find our menu missing. After several hours, over a few days, I deleted a temporary menu for our blog. At first, I blanched. I yelped. Then I clicked on the Main. Menu. Wowie zowie, my eyes rested our … Continue reading Dog Leader Mysteries blog is back

Want to write a guest post?

Yes, we take guest posts Use the contact form to reach the editor of Dog Leader Mysteries blog. Guidelines for posts Here are our limitations on posts and site connections. Absolutely no animal cruelty links, ads or cruelty in social media promotion. We pay an extra fee to WordPress (.com) to keep ads that promote puppy mills, cruel training … Continue reading Want to write a guest post?